Discovering Holistic Coaching


Hi there, my name is Jacqueline Lobo. I started my small business in 2010, and after some time, it is just now that I can say is up and running. I am a certified Life Coach, specialised in NLP and Hypnotherapy. As Venezuelan entrepreneur, I would like to help other Venezuelans, especially those who are newly arriving with high hopes and dreams, but also with concerns about their future in these new and distant lands. Moving overses is a huge change, because we are totally out of our comfort zone. I have over 17 years living in Sydney, and it took me some time before I could call Australia «home». I think the first lesson one learns during this process is humility, cultural tolerance, and to help and support each other. So, from this corner, receive all my good wishes and an invitation to support this social project Venezuelan Profiles, and also to visit Discovering Holistic Coaching. Where I work designing and developing programs to help and empowering women; and to transform them in agents of social change. When you help women, you help improve society in general. I am very proud to be part of this project.

Originally posted 2014-08-27 01:59:43.